Stipendia na výzkum hrdinství
Heroic Imagination Project pod vedením Dr. Phillipa Zimbarda připravuje stipendijní program, ve kterém rozdělí $100.000 mezi deset doktorandů a čerstvých PhD na výzkum fenoménu hrdinství.
Full text původní výzvy:
HIP plans to endow a $100,000 research fund that will provide up to $10,000 each to 10 doctoral or post-doctoral candidates who wish to pursue research on heroism and heroic behavior.
These research fellowships will be instrumental in inspiring additional research in this area. Working with Ph.D. candidates, as well as their advisers, we will help to formulate questions and provide ongoing support throughout the research process.
Under the direction of Dr. Harry K. Wexler, and with the active support of Dr. Philip Zimbardo, the country’s foremost authority on the social and psychological dynamics of heroism, we will work with select research universities to clarify questions, design studies, secure funding, and disseminate results.
Are you a graduate student interested in pursuing the study of heroism?
Click here to apply online!